Urenio Watch Watch: Innovation ecosystems

The Innovation Ecosystem For The Future Of Work

Innovation-ecosystem-forbsJacob Morgan, author of the book “The Future of Work: Attract New Talent, Build Better Leaders, and Create a Competitive Organization”, explores five innovation models, which should be part of the innovation ecosystem that organizations must create if they want to be able to stay relevant and compete in this rapidly changing world.

As innovation is no longer something that can be done by a few people or a single department and the best ideas and the smartest people can be anywhere, organizations must open up the doors to innovation from anyone. The five innovation models are:

  • Employee innovation
  • Customer innovation
  • Partner/supplier innovation
  • Competitor innovation
  • Public innovation

In five posts, each per innovation model, Morgan provides examples as well as an overview of what the various innovation models actually entail.

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Forbes: The Innovation Ecosystem For The Future Of Work