Urenio Watch Watch: Innovation ecosystems

2015 Global Startup Ecosystem Ranking

The-Global-Startup-Ecosystem-Ranking-2015Compass published the 2015 Startup Ecosystem Ranking, which ranks the top 20 startup ecosystems around the world. The index is produced by ranking ecosystems along five major components: Performance, Funding, Talent, Market Reach, and Startup Experience.

The index does not currently include startup ecosystems from China, Taiwan, Japan, and South Korea.

The Ranking

2015 Global Startup Ecosystem Ranking

Key Findings

  • All 20 ecosystems grew in total number of startups over the last years. The predominant startup ecosystems are still located in North America and Europe, occupying 16 of the top 20.
  • Ten North American ecosystems are now in the top 20, versus seven in 2012. Six European ecosystems made it into the top 20, one more than in 2012, with Amsterdam emerging as a strong newcomer.
  • Silicon Valley continues to dominate. The Bay Area, which is practically synonymous with high growth technology startups, has again achieved top rankings in Performance, Funding, and Talent’”making for an overall ranking of #1. The only component where it is not ranked #1 is Market Reach, where it is #4.
  • Startup ecosystems in Asia have grown significantly, highlighted by Singapore moving from #17 to #10 and Bangalore from #19 to #15.
  • Sao Paulo is the only Latin American ecosystem in the top 20. The city has an abundance of venture capital in its ecosystem but very few exits, with this lack of liquidity events likely stifling growth.
  • Growth in the top 20 Canadian ecosystems has slowed relative to the rest of the world. While Startup Output grew, though at a rate slightly below average, exit value has remained fairly stable and venture capital investments increased by only 5% compared to a 98% growth in the other top 20 startup ecosystems (2013-

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