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Data for Community-Driven Solutions

data_for_community-driven_solutions_196_196“Data for Community-Driven Solutions” is a series of articles, published in Stanford Social Innovation Review magazine, which highlights specific interventions that can help drive a more networked, inclusive, and open society. The articles focus on data for impact and present some of the opportunities and challenges posed by new technologies. They also offer theories and models for better using data to achieve positive social outcomes.

Series contributors include experts in social impact, technology, and public policy who try to answers the following questions: How can we use data to empower citizens? Does data really help communities or just big companies? Is there such as thing as bad data? Should government make data more public? How would that affect citizens? Each post outlines current policies and presents solutions-based policy and service alternatives.

Two articles have been published so far and are expected more.

  • Tech and Innovation to Re-engage Civic Life, by Hollie Russon Gilman. Inclusive governance will require that civil society, government, and industry work together to empower citizens.
  • Making Better Use of Big Data, by Sonal Shah & Hollie Russon Gilman. Data is a powerful tool for driving large-scale impact, but using it effectively and responsibly in government and beyond requires intentionality.

Stanford Social Innovation Review – Data for Community-Driven Solutions