Urenio Watch Watch: IntelCities Measurement

Urban big data

urban big data imageIn his latest article Prof. Rob Kitchin, on “The planner’ elaborates how urban big data enables a highly granular, longitudinal system, whole system understanding of a city system or service.

In the article there is a presentation of The Dublin Dashboard, funded by Science Foundation Ireland, an interactive website and portal that provides access to a wide range of datasets about the city and a suite of visualisation and analysis tools.

Advocates of urban big data and the smart city technologies underpinning, argue, will break down silos between city agencies and departments and enable joined-up thinking and better coordination. This in turn will lead to improved governance and service delivery, more resilient critical infrastructure, increased transparency and accountability, a stronger economy, better quality of life, improved sustainability, and increased safety and security. While a key issues among them are privacy, data protection, and data security should be addressed consiously.

Read the fill article at: The Planner
Image adopted from original article on “The Planner”