Open Data Maturity in Europe 2015: Insights into the European state of play is a report prepared under the framework of the European Data Portal project. As it has been stated in a previous post, one of the main goals of the European Data Portal is to offer access to data published by administrations in countries across Europe, from the EU and beyond. Additionally, it supports public administrations in publishing more data as open data and targets on actions to stimulate their re-use.
Key objective of this report is to measure Open Data Maturity, in order to assess public sector representatives and policies that try to support and promote Open Data. Two main indicators have been selected for this reason, covering both the maturity of national policies promoting Open Data, as well as an assessment of the features made available on national data portals. These indicators are:
- Open Data Readiness: explores the presence of Open Data policies, the use made of the available Open Data, and the political, social and economic impact of Open Data.
- Portal Maturity: measures the usability of a web based Open Data portal with regard to the availability of functionalities, the overall re-usability of data, as well as the spread of data.
Each one of these parameters consists of another group of measurable sub-indicators. A comprehensive diagram has been produced, based on these results, describing the state-of-the-art regarding Open Data Maturity assessment for the EU-28+ countries for 2015.
The report concludes:
Finally, the landscaping has fulfilled its promise by offering clear insight into where all European countries stand on their Open Data journey. By bringing further qualitative insight into the policies developed ‘“ or absence of a policy ‘“ as well as barriers faced, the European Data Portal benefits from detailed insights into quick wins across Europe.
Download the full report here.
Read a relevant article published in the World Bank Data Blog here.