An interesting report written by Eddie Copeland tries to explore the possibility of applying a risk-prediction model regarding hazardous buildings, created by Mayor’ s Office of Data Analytics (MODA) in New York, in the case of London.
It is illustrated that New York’ s pioneering data methods could benefit London. However, apart from the similarities existing between these two metropolitan cities, the adoption of the MODA model does not imply a copy-paste process. Therefore, this report aims to reveal some core elements of New York’ s data success and outline a means for them to be adapted for the specific context of London.
Some important lessons deriving from the New York experience indicate that:
- Strong executive support is essential
- Data models must be shaped by front-line experience and expertise
- Focus on outcomes that provide a proven return on investment
- Start small and with measures everyone can support
- Do not try to change the work of front-line staff
- Using data does not require vast numbers of specialized personnel or new layers of bureaucracy
- Using data does not require procuring high-end technology
- Any organization that wants to access MODA’ s data must first share their own
- All data must be geo-tagged (geo-coded)
- No part of the data extraction or analytics process should require human action
The creator of MODA model, Mike Flowers, states that:
You need to remember at all times that the point of all this effort is to help your city and its people thrive. Keep all this in mind. Just dive in and do it. You may be amazed at what you find.
Read the full report here.