Community PlanIt game was designed to improve participation and engagement of citizens in civic life. Each game includes a number of missions, each one of them referring to a specific challenge faced by the local community. Players are asked to complete the missions by proposing new ways of dealing with a wide range of activities. At the same time, co-operation with other players is encouraged.
Community PlanIt is a game that makes planning playful, and gives everyone the power to shape the future of their community.
In order to unlock all missions in a game, a player has to defeat the Crats by answering a series of trivia questions. The term Crat in this case comes from the word technocrat, referring to the persons who make decisions based solely on technical facts, ignoring public opinion.
Community PlanIt has launched a series of games for a number of different cities. In each case, the game missions are oriented towards challenges faced by the local community, such as environment, employment, health etc. After the game is over, all results are presented in post-game resources, which are available online for each mission.
More information about the game can be found here.