This Ericsson White paper illustrates issues regarding the rise of the smart city and its journey towards a sustainable condition. It is pointed out that the process for a city to become smart, as long as sustainable, is a continuous constantly changing procedure that requires stakeholder engagement and innovative actions in most of its stages.
The city, along with the stakeholders that live within it, shapes a complex ecosystem that incorporates a wide range of interactions and multiple players. Within this context, the major shapers of ICT transformations are city departments, local government and other governmental bodies, covering a wide range of regulatory authorities. In addition to that, other key stakeholders include citizens, businesses and civil society
When cities adopt holistic, integrated and consultative approaches, they optimize their funding and maximize their chances of achieving smart, sustainable systems and processes, with measurable improvement in their triple-bottom-line performance.
This report acknowledges five main stages during the transformation of a city into a smart, sustainable environment: (1) Define an agreed vision, strategy and targets; (2) Create informed networked governance structures; (3) Develop organizational capacity; (4) Engage with all relevant stakeholders; and (5) Forge and foster long-term partnerships. These stages occur regardless of a city’ s current state of development.
Two case studies are also presented in this paper. In the first one, Stockholm Royal Seaport project is examined, where collaborative partnerships between the City of Stockholm, private enterprise and the research community constitute the heart of the development process, with Ericsson as one of the lead ICT partners and advisors. The next case study refers to the city of São José dos Campos in Brazil, where the establishment of a technology park attracts ICT investment and innovation. In this case, an emergency response system integrates the city’ s traffic, police, civil defense and ambulance systems in a common platform, providing real-time protection.
Read the full Ericsson White Paper here.