Urenio Watch Watch: Intelligent Cities / Smart Cities

European Data Portal: Open Data in Cities


This report is published by the European Data Portal, in order to investigate and present the benefits arising from the use of Open Data in the case of local governments and their citizens. This report assesses eight cities in terms of Open Data initiatives: Amsterdam, Barcelona, Berlin, Copenhagen, London, Paris, Stockholm and Vienna.

As it is stated in the report:

Going beyond Open Data, cities want to become smart. A smart city uses technology to enhance quality, performance and interactivity of urban services, to reduce costs and resource consumption and to improve contact between citizens and government. The eight cities serve as inspiration for other cities what they could achieve by thinking big. However, cities are recommended to start small and take one step at a time on their Open Data Journey.

Open Data is considered as an essential parameter of urban planning, which nowadays has received an increased attention due to the sharp rise of people living in cities. Thus, cities should try to explore and implement innovative and smart solutions for reducing costs and effectively boosting quality of life for their citizens.


Now is the right time for European cities to start exploring the benefits of using Open Data.

For each one of the cities investigated in this report, an analysis of the data domains with the most datasets available has been made. Transportation seems to have an important place in almost all cases. Moreover, a selection of Open Data and Smart City initiatives for each city is also performed, illustrating a large variety of ideas. Finally, some emerging cities that start making use of their Open Data are Helsinki, Rome and Manchester.

You can find the full report here.