Innovation Analytics: A guide to new data and measurement in innovation policy is a report published by Nesta, focusing on novel ways to make use of official data. This will gradually help to explore and better understand various sectors regarding innovation policy, while at the same time overcome challenges arising from the use of that kind of data.
Some of the key findings illustrate that tools for measuring economic phenomena do not always make it easy for policymakers to answer important questions about innovation. Moreover, the development of trialling methods in mashine learning, mashing and merging datasets constitutes an essential part of Nesta’ s research activity. Thereafter, the produced datasets are presented in novel interactive ways.
This study constitutes a summary describing the methodologies and approaches used, presenting at the same time six case studies with more specific detail about each of the methods. These case studies include:
- Dynamic mapping with official statistics
- Mapping the video games industry with big data
- Mapping digital clusters with big data
- Capturing relational and network data from tech meet-up data
- A low-cost approach for tracking innovative jobs in real time
- Novel ways of interacting with data: data visualizations
Read the full report here.