CORDIS published a dataset containing projects funded by the European Union under the Horizon 2020 framework programme for research and innovation (H2020) from 2014 to 2020. Based upon the published dataset the following visualisations have been made possible using Google Spreadsheets.
In the published dataset grant information is provided for each project, including Reference, Acronym, Status, Programme, Topic, Title, Start Date, End Date, Objective, Total Cost, EC Max Contribution, Call Id, Funding Scheme, Coordinator, Coordinator Country, Participants (semi-colon separated list), Participant Countries (semi-colon separated list).
1. Coordinating H2020 projects per countries
2. Total funds per countries
3. Total number of projects per countries: Geo chart with markers
4. Countries participating in projects as coordinators or partners
5. Allocation of funds per topic
CORDIS datasets that are uploaded on Open Data Portal, are being produced on a monthly basis. Therefore inconsistencies may occur between what is presented on the CORDIS live website and the datasets. Data source can be found here
The Google spreadsheet can be found here