In their publication Sustainable, Climate-resilient and Vibrant Cities: Good Practices, Covenant of Mayors signatories present some of the best practices of European cities that show how combining adaptation and mitigation measures can help cities make better planning decisions and solve key challenges.
Signatories of the Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy have committed, since 2015, to implementing an integrated approach to climate change mitigation and adaptation. The case studies presented in this brochure are arranged according to five thematic challenges:
- Improving the energy performance and resilience of buildings: indoor heating and cooling is increasingly challenging as cities need to adapt to more extreme temperatures. This requires energy-efficient systems that can provide thermal comfort without generating more emissions.
- Managing water flows: setting up innovative water management structures for rainwater reuse and drawing up flood prevention schemes, widening or fortifying the riverbanks, are some examples of how cities can adapt to the increasing flood and drought risks and water shortages that face many european cities.
- Facilitating sustainable mobility: sustainable and more resilient urban transport systems mean not only less pollution, but more resilience in the face of increasing climate risks to critical infrastructure.
- Renaturing urban spaces: green spaces can not only absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, but also contribute to the increase of the absorptive capacity of the soil and have a cooling effect on the built environment.
- Managing urban growth: Compact, connected, and well-planned cities tend to have lower greenhouse gas emissions and infrastructure related costs and are also more resilient to extreme temperatures and floods
Case Studies
- Hanover, Germany
Large-scale energy retrofitting of public and private buildings - Umeå, Sweden
Creative financing for energy renovation - Glasgow, United Kindgom
Protection from river flooding - Isola Vicentina, Italy
Prevention protection and preparation for flood risks - Larnaca, Cyprus
Away from cars, towards walking and cycling
- Zagreb, Croatia
Efficiency boost for public transport - Lisbon, Portugal
Gardens in the city - Bologna, Italy
Plan for regenerating and greening urban spaces - Vienna, Austria
Addressing the urban heat island effect - Barcelona, Spain
Addressing the urban heat island effect
About the Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy
The Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy brings together local and regional authorities voluntarily committing to implementing the EU’ s climate and energy objectives on their territories. It started in 2008 with the support of the European Commission and now incorporates over 6,800 signatories. In 2015, it took on new objectives when merging with the Mayors Adapt initiative on climate change adaptation. The Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy stepped up the initial CO ²-reduction commitment (now set at a 40% reduction by 2030) and included adaptation to climate change as part of its mandate. Signatory authorities at local level share a vision for decarbonised and resilient cities with universal access to secure, sustainable and affordable energy.