Urenio Watch Watch: Intelligent / Smart Cities Strategies

Smart Cities Scotland Blueprint

smart cities scotlandThis blueprint, prepared for Scottish Cities Alliance, supports the development strategy of Scottish government, considering what the cities can achieve by working together to advance both individual and joint smart cities initiatives. It establishes key collaborative actions and programmes to deliver smart cities activity, and identifies funding mechanisms, delivery structures and monitoring activities to support delivery. It provides an initial strategic basis for the Smart Cities workstream, which is referred to under the identity ‘˜Smart Cities Scotland’ . It establishes what the cities can achieve by working together to advance both individual and joint smart cities activities.

The Blueprint starts by establishing an overarching ambition for Smart Cities Scotland, defining four high – level goals:
Summary of the four high – level goals for Smart Cities Scotland

Citizens and Communities Citizens across different communities should feel engaged and empowered to live a fulfilling life. This should be achieved by providing access to information, realising needs and bringing together the right resources to meet specific challenges.
Business & Economy Scotland will be recognised as a healthy, innovative and resourceful place to live and work. By working together to establish an expansive programme to achieve mutual goals, Scotland ‘ s cities will attract new funding and become more attractive to Foreign Direct Investment.
Environment Scottish cities will become smart and sustainable economies powered by renewable energy and us ing data and technology to drive transformation.
Performance & Operation of Cities A strategic, evidence – based approach to city performance and operations that uses data and information from public and private sources, achieves the buy – in of all city stakeholders, attracts informed and focused low carbon investment, and improves the quality of life for all.

The Blueprint then sets out five delivery objectives to characterise how cities can work together to advance both individual and joint smart cities initiatives. This places improving the lives of citizens at its heart and establishes that this will be driven by the principles of collaboration & engagement, openness, innovation, sustainability and resource efficiency.

The Blueprint contains the following sections:

  • Chapter 2 provides a Background to the Smart Cities Scotland and explains the methodology used to compile this Blueprint.
  • Chapter 3 outlines the Ambition for Smart Cities Scotland, defining high-level Programme Goals in four key areas: citizens & communities; business & economy; environment; and the performance & operation of cities.
  • Chapter 4 sets out a strategic approach to Working Together to deliver Smart Cities Scotland, defining five Delivery Objectives for the programme. This places improving the lives of citizens at its heart and establishes that this will be driven by the principles of openness, innovation, resource efficiency, collaboration & engagement. A Pathfinder Programme is defined for each of these five areas, prioritising collaborative activities for the Alliance partners to progress.
  • Chapter 5 identifies four Capacity Building Measures to define how collaboration at the Alliance-level can further support the acceleration and scale-up of smart city projects across Scottish cities.
  • Appendix A provides additional information on the five Pathfinder Programmes and a recommended monitoring framework for delivery.
  • Appendix B presents a comprehensive summary of Smart City Funding sources and mechanisms.

About The Scottish Cities Alliance

The Scottish Cities Alliance is a unique collaboration of Scotland’ s seven cities (Aberdeen, Dundee, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Inverness, Perth and Stirling) and the Scottish Government working together to attract external investment, stimulate economic activity and create new jobs and business opportunities.

You may downlaod the blueprint by clicking here.