Urenio Watch Watch: Platforms, Apps, Solutions

Applications based on EU Open Data

Inside the European Union Open Data Portal, there is a section where users can find examples of applications developed by the European institutions, agencies and other bodies as well as third parties.

As of the date of this publication (11 January 2017), 63 applications have been published in the portal since 2013. All applications are provided in the form of a list and for each one of them, there is a short description and a link giving access to its webpage. The applications are categorized according to their basic characteristics, including:

  • Author (the developer organisation): the main organisations are JRC and Eurostat.
  • Charge (the license provided): most of them are free of charge.
  • Data Source (the main source of information upon which the app is built): Eurostat or multiple data sources.
  • Functionality (the type of the application): data visualisation and statistics are the most common functions.
  • Published (the year the application has been published in the portal): most applications have been published in 2016.
  • Platform (whether it is a web or a mobile application): almost all of them are web apps.
  • Subject (the topic related): a large number of applications (15 out of 63) are related to transparency of economic transactions or political procedures.


1. Politix EU

Politix EU answers the question and shows how the policies passed by the EU institutions shape our everyday lives, even though we might not see it. It describes in plain and simple language proposed EU laws, giving their background info and the key interest groups involved. It also provides a detailed list of lobbyists, a blog and a newsletter. From roaming charges to food labelling for meat products and free movement of people across member states’Š’”’Šwhat the EU legislates is everywhere if you look closer.
The project is part of Advocate Europe (an annual idea challenge for European initiatives and projects) and partnered with the European Student Think Tank, a student-led international platform for sharing ideas and thoughts about the European Union.

Screenshot of the application. Source: eu.politix.io
Published: 11/01/2017
Author: Politix EU
Charge: FREE
Data Source: Multiple data sources, European Parliament
Functionality: comparative results, Data visualisation, database, maps, statistics
Platform: Web Application
Subject: Transparency, European Parliament, Citizen Engagement, Lobbying, EU Policy, EU Legislative Proposals

2. ICT Monitoring – Planned ICT Investments under ESIF

Information and communications technology (ICT) is a major driver of innovation and growth. Investment in this area under the European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF) is being used to boost regional growth. Around EUR 21.4 billion of ESIF funding is available from 2014-2020, just for ICT investment. To help people to see how and where the money’ s being spent, the European Commission’ s Joint Research Centre has developed the ‘˜ICT monitoring tool’ . The tool gives a breakdown of ICT spending under ESIF at national and regional level. You can search by amount, keyword or funding type and sort your results by country, region, or a range of special filters.

Screenshot of the application. Source: http://s3platform.jrc.ec.europa.eu/ict-monitoring/-/tool/search?p_auth=b9r8e99Z
Published: 15/12/2016
Author: Joint Research Centre (JRC), Jens Sörvik, Alexander Kleibrink
Charge: FREE
Data Source: European Structural & Investment Funds (ESIF)
Functionality: comparative results, Data visualisation, database, maps, statistics
Platform: Web Application
Subject: Structural funds, Smart Specialisation, ICT investments

About the European Union Open Data Portal

The European Union Open Data Portal is the single point of access to a growing range of data from the institutions and other bodies of the European Union (EU). Data are free for you to use and reuse for commercial or non-commercial purposes.

By providing easy and free access to data, the portal aims to promote their innovative use and unleash their economic potential. It also aims to help foster the transparency and the accountability of the institutions and other bodies of the EU.

The EU Open Data Portal is managed by the Publications Office of the European Union. Implementation of the EU’s open data policy is the responsibility of the Directorate-General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology of the European Commission.