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City in the Cloud

In partnership with Microsoft Cloud, Atlantic Re:think explored how cloud technology is transforming cities around the world. From public works to transportation authorities, city agencies are turning to cloud-based data gathering and analytics, mobile apps, remote-access programs, and more to facilitate better outcomes in all aspects of city living.

Anticipating the explosive growth projected for the world’ s urban population, more than 10,000 local and national governments have adopted cloud-based services to help them meet ever increasing demand, and more are doing so every day. These services help them harness the tremendous value of the 44 zettabytes of data expected to be generated by the end of this decade (that’ s north of 44 trillion gigabytes), data that is already critical for government decision-making and city planning. What follows is a look at some of the most innovative deployments so far and what they suggest for cities of the future.