The European Innovation Partnership on Smart Cities and Communities has launched a manifesto on Citizen Engagement. It declares the commitment of signatories to create and foster accessible urban services for citizens, in order to improve the quality of life in cities and contribute to sustainable cities and a liveable environment.
The Action Cluster on Citizen Focus aims to explore ways to promote engagement of citizens and communities in the design and co-creation of solutions. The signatories of the Inclusive Smart Cities Manifesto, commit themselves to:
- Exchange experiences on effective and replicable best practices
- Collaborate with the Citizen Focus Action Cluster on knowledge sharing and disseminate viable solutions and successful good practices for replication and scale up
- Actively engage citizens from the start, both in urban innovation decision making processes and when designing smart cities solutions
- Implement citizen-centric designed solutions
- Leverage on interconnections between big and small cities, urban and rural communities
The Manifesto aims to establish collaboration on the following activities:
- To raise citizens’ awareness of the potential advantages and benefits of smart city projects (smart city literacy).
- Leadership in citizen engagement.
- Develop and exploit new and existing collaborative models: co-creation, co-design and co-production of solutions by citizens.
- Improve procurement and assessment procedures.
- Promote the use of open data and/or an appropriate access to data by citizens, developers, start-ups. Ensure privacy by design.
- Promote open innovation and open science to foster smart citizens.
You can read and endorse the Manifesto here.