Urenio Watch Watch: Collaborative Innovation

The City as a Lab: Open Innovation Meets the Collaborative Economy

This article introduces a special issue on the increasing role of cities as a driver for (open) innovation and entrepreneurship. It frames the innovation space being cultivated by proactive cities. Drawing on the diverse papers selected in this special issue, this introduction explores a series of tensions that are emerging as innovators and entrepreneurs seek to engage with local governments and citizens in an effort to improve the quality of life and promote local economic growth.

Much of today’ s most vibrant innovation happens in cities. Although some may write this trend off as a mere reflection of the demographic shifts associated with the mass urban migration, there is something much bigger happening. Cities are becoming a platform for the innovation economy. Urbanization, the democratization of innovation and technology, and collaboration are converging paradigms helping to drive entrepreneurship and innovation in urban areas around the globe. These three factors are converging to drive innovation and entrepreneurship in cities and have been referred to as the urbanpreneur spiral.

Special Issue  on City Innovation

Via  the GovLab Blog