Urenio Watch Watch: Innovation

Special Issue: City Innovation

The journal California Management Review published the Special Issue “City Innovation”. The argument behind this issue is that the growing trend of urbanization has made cities the epicenter of innovation and entrepreneurship in our modern economy.

As global hubs of commerce, labor, and collaboration, our cities are more important than ever. Therefore, this issue focuses on innovative communities around the world, examining the factors that contribute to their success, and revealing the ways in which emerging “smart” technologies will shape the cities of the future.

Articles of the issue “City Innovation”

The City as a Lab: Open Innovation Meets the Collaborative Economy
Boyd Cohen, Esteve Almirall, and Henry Chesbrough

Rise of the Startup City: The Changing Geography of the Venture Capital Financed Innovation
Richard Florida, Charlotta Mellander

The Open Kimono: Toward a General Framework for Open Data Initiatives in Cities
Pascual Berrone, Joan E. Ricart, and Carlos Carrasco

The Making of the Urban Entrepreneur
Pablo Muñoz and Boyd Cohen

A Smart City Is a Collaborative Community: Lessons from Smart Aarhus
Charles C. Snow, Dorthe Døjbak Håkonsson, and Børge Obel

Governing the City: Unleashing Value from the Business Ecosystem
Ivanka Visnjic, Andy Neely, Carmelo Cennamo, and Nikola Visnjic

Smart Cities at the Crossroads: New Tensions in City Transformation
Esteve Almirall, Jonathan Wareham, Carlo Ratti, Pilar Conesa, Francesca Bria, Anibal Gaviria, and Amy Edmondson