Urenio Watch Watch: Intelligent Cities / Smart Cities

Three of Michael Batty’ s recent introductory presentations about smart cities

Here you will find three links that direct you to recent presentations (April 2017) of the Smart Cities Lectures that Prof. Michael Batty of the Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis (CASA) of University College London (UCL) gave at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. The lectures are introductory to ideas related to Smart Cities and focus on the historical developments that led to the rise of the Internet and Big Data. Interested links to publications, videos and podcasts are included.

Session I:
1: The Smart City as Information Technology: A History
2: Turing’ s Legacy & The Laws of Computing
Access the presentation here

Session II:
The Wired City: Computable City: Information Infrastructure
Access the presentation here

Session III:
Data and Technology: Big Data, Network Data, Measuring Disruption in the 24 Hour City
Access the presentation here