Urenio Watch Watch: Intelligent Cities / Smart Cities

The Programmable City: Being a ‘˜citizen’ in the smart city

This recent working paper by Paolo Cardullo and Rob Kitchin critically appraises citizens’ participation in the smart city. Reacting to critiques that the smart city is overly technocratic and instrumental, companies and cities have reframed their initiatives as ‘˜citizen-centric’ . However, what ‘˜citizen-centric’ means in practice is rarely articulated. The authors draw on and extend Sherry Arnstein’ s seminal work on participation in planning and renewal programmes to create the ‘˜Scaffold of Smart Citizen Participation’ ‘“ a conceptual tool to unpack the diverse ways in which the smart city frames citizens. They then use this scaffold to measure smart citizen inclusion, participation, and empowerment in smart city initiatives in Dublin, Ireland. Their analysis illustrates how most ‘˜citizen-centric’ smart city initiatives are rooted in stewardship, civic paternalism, and a neoliberal conception of citizenship that prioritizes consumption choice and individual autonomy within a framework of state and corporate defined constraints that prioritize market-led solutions to urban issues, rather than being grounded in civil, social and political rights and the common good. The authors conclude that significant normative work is required to rethink ‘˜smart citizens’ and ‘˜smart citizenship’ and to remake smart cities if they are to truly become ‘˜citizen-centric’ . The paper was prepared in the context of the ERC Programmable City project.

Download the paper here.

Access the  Programmable City project website here.