Urenio Watch Watch: Intelligent Cities / Smart Cities

The future(s) of mobility: How cities can benefit

The futures of mobility: How cities can benefitIn this article by Bouton S., Hannon E., Knupfer S., and Ramkumar S. published by McKinsey & Company, according the authors the way that people get around cities is changing dramatically. Technological advances and new transportation services are making it possible for city dwellers to cross town ever more efficiently and safely.

These shifts could have profound economic and social effects. McKinsey analysis indicates that in 50 metropolitan areas around the world, home to 500 million people, integrated mobility systems could produce benefits, such as improved safety and reduced pollution, worth up to $600 billion.
According to the article Autonomous vehicles, electric powertrains, vehicle sharing, and other advances are transforming urban mobility. Planning ahead can help cities capture the benefits of the shift, from cleaner air to easier journeys.

Trends influencing urban mobility

The following fast-moving trends influencing urban-mobility systems around the world are presented in the article.

  • Shared mobility.
  • Autonomous driving.
  • Vehicle electrification.
  • Connectivity and the Internet of Things.
  • Public transit.
  • Infrastructure.
  • Decentralization of energy systems.
  • Regulation.
Reinforcing effects from mobility trends

How cities can manage the transition to integrated mobility

In this section the following key issues are analyzed: Mass transit; Land use; Revenue; Infrastructure

Envisioning the future(s) of urban mobility: Three scenarios

In the article, the following three scenarios are presented targeting to inform officials and planners about what to anticipate in the future of mobility. Each one is linked to a particular type of city, defined by levels of economic development, household income, and population density:

  1. Dense, developing cities
  2. High-income, low-density cities
  3. Dense, developed cities

The article can be found on : McKinsey & Company: Sustainable & Resource Productivity


Bouton, M., Knupfer, S. M., Mihov, I., Swartz, S. (2015), Urban mobility at a tipping point, McKinsey & Company, http://www.mckinsey.com/business-functions/sustainability-and-resource-productivity/our-insights/urban-mobility-at-a-tipping-point

Paul Gao, P., Kaas, H. W., Mohr, D., Wee D. (2016), Disruptive trends that will transform the auto industry, McKinsey & Company http://www.mckinsey.com/industries/automotive-and-assembly/our-insights/disruptive-trends-that-will-transform-the-auto-industry