Urenio Watch Watch: Intelligent / Smart Cities Strategies

Newcastle’ s New Smart City Strategy

The Newcastle Smart City  Strategy (2017-2021) is a four-year framework outlining the  key priorities and actions to  be delivered by Council in  its commitment to leading  Newcastle’s transition to a smart  and innovative city.  The council’s aim has been to  develop a roadmap for creating a smarter and more innovative Newcastle and Hunter Region,  Australia and to maximise opportunities as they are presented in sectors including technology, advanced manufacturing, the digital economy and the creative industries.

The council has worked with all three levels of government, the community, educational and research providers and business and industry sectors in the development of the Newcastle Smart City Strategy to ensure that it is a shared vision. The Newcastle Smart City Strategy 2017 – 2021 is a collaborative strategic planning document that will guide Council and a wide range of stakeholders and partners towards a smart and innovative future.

The  strategy will leverage the smart city movement to improve liveability, sustainability and economic diversity, develop local innovation, build international profile and attract talent and inward investment to the city.   It will help ensure that the future city has effective and integrated public transport, nurtures a creative and vibrant community and features best-practice energy and water efficiency.

The Newcastle Smart City Strategy encompasses a range of objectives which are fundamental to its success:

  • Identify collective vision and principles to guide Newcastle as a smart and innovative city
  • Identify strategic themes and actions for enabling Newcastle as a smart and innovative city
  • Review, collate and integrate existing work from a variety of sources that is relevant to Newcastle and the Hunter Region as a smart innovative city
  • Engage with key partners, stakeholders and the general community
  • Identify relationships with existing and upcoming revitalisation and renewal projects.

Download the Newcastle Smart City Strategy 2017 – 2021

Via IoT Hub