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The European Commission launched Digital Cities Challenge

EC Digital cities challengeThe Digital Cities Challenge is a tailored programme of coaching and facilitation launched by the European Commission to help cities develop and implement digital policies that can transform day to day life for residents, businesses, workers, and entrepreneurs. The challenge intends to give city leaders and key stakeholders access to high-level experts with local and international experience in designing and implementing digital transformation strategies, free of charge and in their local language for 14-18 months to achieve their goals for improving their city.

The call

The European Commission is launching a Call for applications to select 15 European cities with strong will to change and unreleased potential, to receive hands-on first-class policy advice, coaching and support to transform their cities through digitalisation and industrial modernisation.

The challenge is aimed at local public organisations that are either responsible for or involved in the funding and/or implementation of a policy or programme of a city related to digital transformation and industrial modernisation. This refers to local authorities or their representative public agency. Only one application may be submitted per city.

More info can be found on :

Digital Cities Challenge website

EU Digital Cities Challenge launched | Digital Single Market