The UN’ s prediction that, by 2030, two-thirds of the world’ s population will be living in megacities, means that smart technologies can play a key role in reducing the pressures and impact of overcrowding.
Smart cities and the technologies they implement, such as the sensors and meters that collect and analyze amazing volumes of data to improve public infrastructure and services, have the potential to produce dramatic benefits to the lives of citizens. Juniper Research, sponsored by Intel, has conducted a study that attempts to quantify the benefits offered by smart technologies to smart city residents in terms of time.
The main finding is that smart cities have the potential to give back to their residents an impressive 125 hours per year, on average. The study also ranks the top 20 smart cities worldwide across four key areas: mobility, health care, public safety and productivity. This reveals how these cities deliver positive outcomes for increased time saving and productivity, increases in health and overall quality of life, and a safer environment. According to the study conclusions, the leading cities globally in the integration of Internet of Things (IoT) technologies are: Chicago, London, New York, San Francisco and Singapore.
Many other cities are also deploying IoT technologies currently. In terms of mobility, integrated IoT-enabled infrastructures and intelligent transport systems, frictionless tolls and other solutions can save citizens up to 60 hours per year that they lose while stuck in traffic. In terms of health, smart tech solutions such as wearable apps that monitor patients’ signs, and connected digital health services, apart from their lifesaving benefits, can save citizens almost 10 hours per year. In terms of public safety, solutions such as connected digital infrastructure beacons can monitor cities and enable local departments to be safer, cleaner and more efficient, and help citizens save up to 35 hours per year.
The link to the original article by Intel can be found here.
The link to the study by Juniper Research can be found here.