The Communication on Artificial Intelligence for Europe, presented by the European Commission on 25 April, outlines a European initiative on AI that aims to boost the EU’s technological and industrial capacity and AI uptake across the economy, both by the private and public sector.
Overall, Europe is behind in private investments in AI which was around EUR 2.4-3.2 billion in 2016, compared with EUR 6.5-9.7 billion in Asia, and EUR 12.1-18.6 billion in North America. It is therefore crucial that the EU continues its work to create an environment that stimulates investments and uses public funding to leverage private investments.
The Communication refers to investments in research and innovation and better access to data.
Short term, in the period 2018-2020, such as stepping up investments; strengthening research and innovation from the lab to the market; supporting AI research excellence centres across Europe; bringing AI to all small businesses and potential users; supporting testing and experimentation; attracting private investments.
Long-term, beyond 2020, under the next EU multiannual financial framework (2021-2027), such as
upgrading the pan-European network of AI excellence centres; research and innovation in fields of unsupervised machine learning, energy and data efficiency; additional Digital Innovation Hubs; world-leading testing and experimentation facilities in areas such as transport, healthcare, agrifood and manufacturing; adoption of AI by organisations across all sectors, including public interest
applications; supporting centre for data sharing and platform to facilitate development of business and public- sector applications.
The Communication on AI: Communication-Artificial-Intelligence
Source: Digital Single Market