Urenio Watch Watch: Publications on Intelligent Cities / Smart Cities

Architectures of Intelligence in Smart Cities

The article   “Architectures of Intelligence in Smart Cities: Pathways To Problem-Solving and Innovation”  by Prof. N. Komninos was published in the 11th issue of  Archidoct and discusses the concept of city intelligence. Through briefly describing the different types of city intelligence in both literature and practice, the article defines a universal architecture of city intelligence and the variables this is based.


The discussion about intelligence and problem-solving capabilities has flourished in the literature of smart cities, under concepts such as spatial intelligence, connected intelligence, ambient intelligence, collective intelligence, new intelligence of cities, city smartness, and other. In this paper we take a quick overview of the literature that points to different types of intelligence into digital, smart, and intelligent cities. We then describe four architectures of intelligence (agglomeration, orchestration, empowerment, and instrumentation) that appear within smart city ecosystems. Cases studies from Bletchley Park UK, Cyberport Hong Kong, Smart Santander, and Amsterdam Smart City illustrate the above typology. These socio-technological experiments contribute to a better understanding the many faces that intelligence appear into smart cities, linking humans, organisations, and machines. In the last section, we attempt a synthesis by defining a universal architecture of city intelligence, based on variables such as the knowledge functions activated, the origin of intelligence used, and the connectivity between the digital and non-digital entities of the urban space.

About archi-DOCT

The European Network of Heads of Schools of Architecture-ENHSA, an EU funded Network in the framework of the Lifelong Learning Programme has initiated the Archidoct e-journal, linked to and complementary with the ENHSA Observatory (EODRA). Archidoct is a peer-reviewed e-journal aiming at fostering, enhancing and promoting doctoral research in architecture. The first point that underlines the originality of this endeavour is that the authors of the essays published are doctoral students in architecture. The second point that underlines this originality is that the journal is a mentoring, educational tool that aims at improving the writing skills of the authors as this will be advised by the peer reviewers towards academically coherent and rigorous writings.

  • Read the whole article here.
  • Find the whole issue here.