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Online S3 mechanism for knowledge-based policy advice

Taking into consideration the 28 applications that have been developed throughout the  Online S3 project and are related to the 6 phases of the RIS3 design-process, this report tries to reveal the existing information flows between them. The overall Online S3 Platform  mechanism indicates that there is a complex underlying network that links these  applications to each other, which is essential  to better understand the overall added value of the Online S3 Platform.  Given  the fact that the abovementioned applications have been developed as standalone apps,  further potentials of this platform include the development of an interoperability mode.  This could provide the final missing links between the 28 applications, facilitating the  information flows between them, giving the opportunity to policy-makers to design even  more comprehensive RIS3 strategies. Analytical capabilities and public participation should  be further enriched and expanded in that case, promoting the effectiveness of the  implemented RIS3 strategies.


The Online S3 Platform  aims to expand administrative capabilities of regional institutions, and thus, become an essential tool for improving the effectiveness of decision-making processes. The report describes the overall Online S3 platform mechanism, in terms of information flows and application interoperability. Its main rationale is to present the logical connections and the information links between the 28 developed applications, as well as to illustrate different ways in which they could be combined to provide services to the users. These services could be used to support the RIS3 design and implementation phases, as well as generic processes related to the general concept of strategic planning. Moreover, the identification and development of 4 comprehensive roadmaps aims on more explicitly guide regional authorities towards an effective implementation of the RIS3 process. The Mini-S3 roadmap provides a core set of methodologies and applications that are essential for the development of RIS3 strategies, whereas the EDP roadmap targets on providing guidance on effectively supporting the three phases of EDP implementation ‘“ knowledge production, stakeholder engagement and knowledge sharing, as well as collaborative decision-making. The significance and role of specialisation analysis in the context of developing and implementing a RIS strategy is addressed by the Specialisation roadmap, whilst methodological guidance to policymakers and regional officers on specific (thematic) investment priority areas within their RIS3 strategy is provided by the Industry vertical platforms and Global Value Chains roadmap.

Reference:  Komninos N., Panori A., Kakderi C., Reid A., Cvijanović V.,  Roman  M., Deakin M., Mora L., Tiemann M. and Badii L. (2018) Online S3 mechanism for  knowledge-based policy advice. Report produced in the framework of Horizon 2020 project  Online S3: ONLINE Platform for Smart Specialisation Policy Advice.

You can find the full report here.

Additional publications of the Online S3 project can be found here.