The University of Sheffield and its research center SEERC is offering one scholarship position for a PhD on “Hybrid Life Cycle Assessment of Functional Materials and Devices”. The scholarship includes: (1) A fee waiver offered by the University of Sheffield and its International Faculty, City College and (2) a stipend to a total cost of 6,800€ per annum for 3 years sponsored by Johnson Matthey (
Functional Materials and Devices are used ubiquitously in the aerospace, automotive, telecommunications and energy sectors. However, their ability to deliver the required functionality often relies on the use of expensive and rare raw materials whose mining and extraction are subject to significant geopolitical uncertainty. This project aims to assess the environmental impact of the fabrication of functional materials and devices using Hybrid Life cycle Assessment. HLCA combines process and input output LCA to give not only an assessment of the climate change impact from the use of carbon based energy sources but also a series of wider environmental impacts across the supply chain. The project is based at Thessaloniki Campus of The University of Sheffield but will be co-supervised by Prof Lenny Koh and Prof Ian Reaney, who are located at the UK Campus in Sheffield; and Prof Panayiotis Ketikidis who is located at the Thessaloniki Campus. This research is part of Advanced Resource Efficiency Centre (AREC) research programme between AREC UK and AREC Europe.
All applications should be submitted at SEERC by October 5, 2018
Download the call: SEERC_sponsored_phd_call_2018