Urenio Watch Watch: Intelligent Cities / Smart Cities

Neighbourhood & City: Between digital and analogue perspectives

neighborhood_and_cityThe aim of this book is to promote discussion and critical thinking on the urban environment at the intersection of neighborhood and the city from an interdisciplinary and multidimensional perspective, encompassing their socio-spatial relations. It is the third volume of the Culture & Territory Series produced by the CyberParks Project.

The previous two volumes of this series dealt with opportunities and challenges brought to public open spaces by ICT   and their consequences and benefits for public spaces and social development. This volume enlarges the spatial scope of the previous ways in diverse ways: it tackles the city:

  • in the transition between it entirety and neighborhoods,
  • in the shift from analogue to digital, and
  • from a pan-European experience to a transcontinental one.

The chapters of this volume cover various aspects related to the meaning of living, intervening, planning, managing, thinking about and producing the city. The authors challenge the following aspects:

– The mediation and pervasiveness of digital technologies in the construction, understanding and experience of urban space, as well as the opportunities and risks brought on by the digital age;

– The use of technology to build knowledge, to reason urban development for placemaking, and to deliver evidences and arguments for policy making;

– The social, spatial and symbolic continuity of the neighborhood as space, context and/or segment of the contemporary urban fabric;

– The emergence of urban policies/agendas and rehabilitation/renewal programmes focused on the neighborhood scale

– Questioning the paradox raised by a bipolarised approached to an idea of neighborhood (eg. emblematic/problematic, central/peripheral) that does not recognize socio-spatial relations between different contexts.


The book is organized in three different parts and each part contains around ten articles per part, as follows:

  • Part I – Reflecting on the urban space in the digital era
  • Part II – Enhancing the understanding of the urban space
  • Part III – New approaches to urban spaces – Research in progress

About Cyberparks

CyberParks was a COST Action and its main objective was to create a research platform on the relationship between Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and the production of public open spaces, and their relevance to sustainable urban development. The impacts of this relationship have been explored from social, ecological and urban design perspectives.