The 2019 European Triple Helix Congress on Responsible Innovation & Entrepreneurship (EHTAC2019) will take place on 30th September ‘“ 1st October 2019 in Thessaloniki, Greece. The Congress is organized by the Triple Helix Association – a non-for-profit, non-governmental association with scientific purpose and a global reach.
According the organizers the mission of ETHAC 2019 is to mobilize knowledge and innovation transfer to the global market by enabling international triple helix interactions where academics, innovators, industry, entrepreneurs, investors, governments and policy makers actively engage in innovation co-production and transfer. ETHAC2019 pushes the frontiers of triple helix interactions in the most pressing worldwide challenges in terms of innovation development processes and its outcomes.
The submission deadline for abstracts is on 25th of February 2019. Academic papers, practitioner and policy case studies as well as provocative expositions in all areas of triple helix interactions, responsible innovation and entrepreneurship, are invited with particular emphasis on the themes of the conference:
- Triple, quadruple, quintuple, n-tuple helix advances, hybrid organizations and multi-stakeholder groups
- Regional & national innovation systems
- Smart specialization & policy making
- Knowledge and technology transfer
- Responsible innovation, open access, open science, gender equality, science education, civic engagement in research
- Territorial responsible research & innovation
- Sustainable development goals
- Entrepreneurship, startups & scale-ups
- Lean startups and environmentally sustainable entrepreneurship
- Industry-university partnerships
- Developing innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystems
- Cross-cultural understanding of innovation, entrepreneurship and sustainability
- Financing innovations and entrepreneurial ventures
- Entrepreneurship and the knowledge based economy
- Smart cities and sustainable development
- Social innovation and sustainable development
- Sustainable business model innovation for regional development
- Digitalization, disruptive technologies & organizational productivity
- Multi-stakeholder partnerships in light of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
More info can be found on the Official website of EHTAC2019 Congress