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i4Trust_Launch of Project towards Improved Data Sharing for SMEs

FIWARE, iSHARE and FundingBox launch the i4Trust Initiative to boost data sharing and facilitate SME innovation capability through the creation of data spaces.  The EU-funded project, is launching an incubator of trusted B2B data sharing ecosystems of collaborating SMEs connected to Digital Innovation Hubs (DIHs). The project stimulates sharing, re-using and trading of data assets towards further participation of SMEs in the development of innovative services in different sectors.  

i4Trust will support 32 bottom-up experiments that will engage at least 150 SMEs and 32 DIHs. Actors in these ecosystems will share data by using iSHARE, CEF and FIWARE building blocks. The participating organisations will provide small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) ‘” across various sectors and locations in Europe ‘” with the tools, coaching, mentoring and financial support needed for the creation of Data Spaces. SMEs will be able to work more efficiently and cost-effectively, whilst also reducing their carbon footprints. They will be able to collaborate with other parties from multiple sectors to build innovative services around data value chains.

“The i4Trust’ s main goal is to create an ecosystem in which companies will be able to share data in a trustworthy and effective manner. The initiative aims to break down ‘˜data silos’ through the sharing, re-use and trading of data assets, boosting the creation of innovative services in different sectors” ‘” Juanjo Hierro, Chief Technology Officer, FIWARE Foundation

The project was launched on October 20, 2020, while the selection process will take place in the third quarter of 2021. SMEs and DIHs will be supported in adopting user-friendly and proven technologies for data sharing, which cover all the operational, legal, technical and governance aspects.

The tools for the creation of Data Spaces comprise standard-based building blocks from the FIWARE and iSHARE frameworks, together with common data models defined for multiple application domains. These building blocks provide the foundation for the core functionalities in every Data Space, namely data exchange, data publication, and data trading, supporting the necessary trustworthiness. Since all the tools are standard-based and supported by open source reference implementations, organizations that are sharing data through Data Spaces will avoid vendor lock-in scenarios.

The proposed building blocks are in line with recommendations from the European Commission’s Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) program, a pillar instrument materializing the Digital Single Market by means of creating cross-border Digital Service Infrastructures.

You can find the project website  here.

You can find more information here.