Urenio Watch Watch: Publications on Intelligent Cities / Smart Cities

An Ethical Framework for Big Data and Smart Cities

This paper presents an ethical framework for Big Data and Smart Cities. By reviewing recent studies on both the technological development and ethical problems in the emerging industries, this research seeks to raise public awareness of ethical issues lying in urban big data analytics and public transportation systems.

According to the authors, while smart urbanism is constructed upon big data, issues arise when practitioners and researchers adopt these emerging technologies. In this paper, they provide recommendations and discussions and analyse the potential use of the proposed framework with six examples in Singapore, London, Paris, New York, Shanghai and Jakarta. The examples focus on medical, transportation, education and COVID-19 emergency.

The ethical framework synthesizes discussions on individual privacy, data integrity and social equity. Insights are gained by reviewing research papers on data analytics from Europe, China, South and North America from the last four years. The conclusions towards a sustainable and ethical framework are correlated between the current big data analytics practices of industry players and the state-of-the-art user privacy protection guidelines led by leading research bodies. In this paper it is underlined that by following guidelines that avoid contemporary issues in big data, companies and organizations can promote their new technology revolution competency.

According to the authors, further studies are required in order to ensure all stakeholders can benefit from this technology revolution, particularly big data for high-growth, innovation and core competencies. Future work, based on this research, will include three streams:

  • First, it will focus on the study of smart cities in Singapore and London and the review of its services for public health, transportation, education and e-government.
  • Second, the review of how the ethical framework can be used and applied in smart cities.
  • Third, the improvement of smart cities and their service after the adoption of the ethical framework.

You can find the paper here.