Urenio Watch Watch: Innovation ecosystems

HCI International 2024 session “Intelligence Reimagining Innovation Ecosystems”

HCI International 2024, jointly with the affiliated Conferences will take place at the Washington Hilton Hotel, Washington DC, USA (29 June – 4 July 2024).

URENIO Research organises, in framework of DAPI, the virtual session “Intelligence Reimagining Innovation Ecosystems”. The session highlights the substantial shifts in urban and regional innovation ecosystems, driven by technologies that underscore different types of intelligence. Continue reading

Is the New Economic Geography still Alive in 2023? Smart Algorithmic Places and AI Systems

Organized within the framework of ERSA 2023 Congress, this event is a collaborative effort between the Regional Science Academy and Paul Krugman, Peter Nijkamp, Karima Kourtit, and Yongda Yu. The day’s agenda features three paper sessions encompassing a total of ten papers, a special session dedicated to the scientific significance of Ake Andersson, and a roundtable discussion. All sessions focus on exploring how the principles of New Economic Geography and location dynamics are impacted in the Digital Age.