Urenio Watch Watch: Cities

Climate City Contract of Thessaloniki

The Climate City Contract was signed on September 8, 2023, by 24 organizations that endorse and support the 2030 Action Plan for Climate Neutrality of Thessaloniki and the vision of the city towards net zero emissions.
Thessaloniki’s pathways towards climate neutrality cover various sectors:

  • Electricity: There will be a widespread installation of Renewable Energy Sources (RES) in public spaces and buildings, making Thessaloniki a national pioneer in promoting the replacement of fossil fuels with RES.
  • Buildings & Heating: The renovation and upgrading of the building stock will be extensive across all types of buildings, including private (residential and commercial), municipal, and other public buildings. New buildings will adhere to the highest energy efficiency standards, and heating will predominantly use high-efficiency electrical systems. Public facilities will undergo comprehensive upgrades.
  • Transport & Logistics: By 2030, the vast majority of trips made by polluting private cars will be replaced by sustainable/”green” modes of transport (private or shared bicycles and micro-mobility vehicles, private or shared electric cars, public transport) within a sustainable multimodal transport system. The urban logistics system will be transformed and optimized within a regulated operating environment, utilizing sustainable means of transport.
  • Water & Waste Management: Packaging recycling rates will rapidly increase to meet corresponding European targets. Bio-waste management will be modernized through composting infrastructure, and food waste will be significantly reduced.
  • Land Use & Green Infrastructure: An extensive tree planting program will increase the area of the city covered by tree foliage. The use of nature-based solutions will reduce surface and atmospheric temperatures, mitigate heat islands, and enhance noise absorption. Biodiversity protection will be a priority.

The Climate City Contract