Urenio Watch Watch: Dissemination - Promotion

Online-S3 in Thessaloniki: Dissemination Events at the 10th ICEIRD Conference

As part of the dissemination processes, the Online-S3 project consortium attended the 10th ICEIRD Conference in Thessaloniki. The main aim of the conference was to explore the importance of universities, industry and government on how to promote innovation-led growth. The conference was structured around three tracks concerned with researching, co-producing and commercializing university-industry links. This conference offered an opportunity for Online-S3 to disseminate the project’ s initial findings with other key stakeholders in the field of Smart Specialisation. Continue reading

Artificial Intelligence: The Road Ahead in Low and Middle-Income Countries

This white paper, produced by the World Wide Web Foundation, focuses on providing an important step towards enabling collaboration and solving challenges faced through the web, as well as increasing public and key stakeholder understanding of how the individual components of the system work. A considerable body of literature exists on the social and economic impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI).   Continue reading

Open Data for All: 2017 Progress Report

At the fourth International Open Data Conference in Madrid, Spain in October 2016, New  York City’ s Chief Analytics Officer debuted the Open Data team’ s six “Open Data Values.’  Each of these values is presented here, along with a specific step the administration has taken  to ensure that every new open data initiative reflects the Open Data for All vision: that  every New Yorker can benefit from Open Data, and that Open Data can benefit from every  New Yorker. Continue reading

White Paper: Smart City Value Chain

The Smart City Value Chain White Paper, produced by e-Madina Smart City cluster, tries to explore the role of cities in addressing global issues. It highlights the fact that the Smart & Sustainable City approach is the solution adopted by more and more cities around the world, and it is seen as a quick way for cities to modernize by combining people’ s collective intelligence with information technology. At the same time, in the case of developing countries, this approach is an opportunity for them to catch up with advanced countries by accelerating their transformation in a sustainable and responsible way. Continue reading

Open Governance in the Smart City

Open Governance in the Smart City was developed in the framework of the EU funded Horizon 2020 research project smarticipate. Through eleven cases ‘“ 9 European and 2 non-European cities – the report provides an overview of the variety of approaches local governments and communities can take to ICT enabled open governance. In addition to describing the different approaches, the report also discusses risks and challenges, concluding with a number of recommendations. Continue reading

Open Knowledge International: Global Open Data Index

According to the Open Knowledge International, the Global Open Data Index (GODI) provides the most comprehensive snapshot available of the state of open government data publication.  GODI is an independent assessment of open government data publication from a civic perspective, enabling different open data stakeholders to track government’ s progress on open data release. It also allows governments to get direct feedback from data users. The index gives both parties a baseline for discussion and analysis of the open data ecosystem in their country and internationally.   Continue reading

A European agenda for the collaborative economy

This report provided by the European Parliamentary Research Service (EPRS) provides essential information regarding issues related to collaborative economy. These issues cover a wide range starting from its definition, to the application of  existing legislation, to the increasingly unclear distinction between consumers and  providers, employees and self-employed, as well as the professional and non- professional provision of services. Continue reading