The OECD study on innovation in the energy sector focuses mainly on fuel cell technology but other fields also examined, including oil & gas extraction technologies and clean coal technology. The objectives were to present recent R&D and innovation processes in the energy sector, and formulate policy recommendations for national policies in the sector. Continue reading
Watch: Innovation Clusters
The “Regions of Knowledge” pilot action, introduced by the European Parliament, aims to support experimental actions at regional level in four areas:
(1) Technology audits and regional foresight: focusing on analysis of the regional economy and technological fabric as well as identifying future development scenarios for a knowledge based economy.
The second national conference on Intelligent Cities, organized by the City of Whittlesea, discussed cases from Australia and overseas. The conference adopted the ‘Smart Community’ point of view, considering broadband infrastructure as an essential public utility. Continue reading
A radical change in the innovation policy of France was announced in 2004. The new orientation supports “Poles de Competitivité” or Competitiveness Clusters, and is designed to promote development of world class high technology clusters combining R&D centres and industry. Continue reading
The book edited by Alan Steventon and Steve Wright (Springer 2006) sets out a vision of intelligent spaces and describes the progress that has been made towards realisation?. Intelligent Spaces (or iSpaces) refer to physical environments in which information and communication technologies and sensor systems disappear as they become embedded into physical objects Continue reading
This recent book by Jorge Niosi is the first analysis of Canada’s regional innovation system and high technology agglomerations. According to the author, “regional innovation systems are evolutionary complex systems in which each group of agents reacts to the behaviour of others as well as to public policy incentives. Continue reading
“The Program on Globalization and Regional Innovation Systems (PROGRIS) at the Centre for International Studies was established by Meric S. Gertler and David A. Wolfe to study a key aspect of the global economy: how firms and institutions interact to foster the innovation process in a regional context. Continue reading