Urenio Watch Watch: Intelligent / Smart Cities Solutions

Smart City Ontologies and Impact

TJSChe paper “Smart city ontologies: Improving the effectiveness of smart city applications‘ is an open access article published by the Journal of Smart Cities. The problem we address concerns the observed low impact of smart city applications in the fields of energy, transport, and economy, which are not the only fields where the impact of smart cities is incremental. The purpose of the paper Continue reading

Safe Cities Index, 2015

Safe Cities IndexThe Safe Cities Index 2015 is an Economist Intelligence Unit report, sponsored by NEC. The report is based on an index composed of more than 40 quantitative and qualitative indicators. These indicators are split across four thematic categories: digital security; health security; infrastructure safety; and personal safety. Continue reading

Turning Northern Greece into an Industrial Champion

N. Greece lignate depositsThe   debt crisis in Greece and the adjustment of goverment spending have led to unexpected deep recession with GDP and employment fall by 15-20% with respect to 2010 levels. Against this background (and the 3rd MOU of 80 billion Euro loan), the report “Turning Northern Greece into an Industrial Champion” by Ansgar Belke, Nicos Christodoulakis, and Daniel Gros, Continue reading

Smart specialisation in Europe, EJIM special issue

EJIM, 17-4The special issue on Research and Innovation Strategies for Smart Specialisation in Europe, published by the European Journal of Innovation Management (Vol.17-4), guest editor Mikel Landabaso, contains 6 papers that focus on an important topic in the current debate about the new industrial policy for Europe and also as a successful crisis exit strategy Continue reading