The workshop on ‘˜The role of smart cities in meeting objectives of the Green Deal’ will showcase smart city data services and digital twins of cities that also use INSPIRE data, in support of the environmental and climate objectives of the Green Deal. It will and bring together various stakeholders with the objective of discussing the governance model of urban data and the potential Artificial Intelligence has in this helping smart cities meeting the objectives of the Green Deal. Continue reading
Intelligent Cities / Smart Cities
The Triple Helix Association in cooperation with the School of Business and Society at St Mary’ s University in the UK and with the support from Erasmus+ programme of the European Union (Jean Monnet Action) is organising a Webinar on 4th June at 6 pm CEST on the topic: ‘˜Innovative place-based Triple Helix approaches for regional development through Smart Specialisation Strategies’ . Continue reading
The 2019 European Triple Helix Congress on Responsible Innovation & Entrepreneurship (EHTAC2019) will take place on 30th September ‘“ 1st October 2019 in Thessaloniki, Greece. The Congress is organized by the Triple Helix Association – a non-for-profit, non-governmental association with scientific purpose and a global reach. Continue reading
NESTA just published its annual predictions for 2019. One of them refers to one of the global races which might be on to build ‘˜City Brains’ . According the post the concept of a “smart city’ has been around for several decades, often associated with hype, grandiose failures, and an overemphasis on hardware rather than people. NESTA points out that various technologies are now coming of age which bring the vision of a smart city closer to fruition. China is described to be in the forefront, investing heavily in sensors and infrastructures, and its ET City Brain project shows just how far the country’ s thinking has progressed. Continue reading
OECD Regions and Cities at a Glance shows how regions and cities are progressing toward stronger economies, better lives for people, and more inclusive societies. The report provides a comparative picture of trends in economic growth, productivity and entrepreneurship across regions and metropolitan areas. It also assesses how people’ s well-being is changing across regions, both within and across countries, including progress on closing gender gaps. Continue reading
The article “Developing innovation portfolios for the public sector: Portfolios for public good’ by Holden A., Cassidy J., Hallberg K. and Marsh W. published on Deloitte Insights examines how can a public sector organization reap the rewards of investing in truly transformational innovation efforts while mitigating the accompanying risks. In the article is argued that the answer could lie in managing innovation as a portfolio of investments that balances risk and reward. Continue reading
The Commission’s 2018 European Innovation Scoreboard, published on 22nd of June 2018, shows that the EU’s innovation performance continues to improve, but further efforts are needed to ensure Europe’s global competitiveness. Continue reading