The market for ‘˜Intelligent Transport Systems’ (ITS) is changing rapidly: topics like urbanisation, sustainability and digitalisation are changing the environment as well as the near future. Despite the investments in technology development and feasibility demonstrations, the systematic market penetration of ITS applications remains a major challenge. Continue reading
Watch: Innovation ecosystems
The Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) consist an important integrating part of the European Common Transport Policy (CTP) and Europe 2020 Strategy. As the 2011 White Paper on Transport (EC, 2011a) claims, ITS can significantly contribute to a cleaner, safer and more efficient transport system, being a key element for increasing the efficiency of transport and of infrastructure use with information systems. Continue reading
The 2017 European Social Innovation Competition was launched by the European Commission on 28th of February in Athens, Greece, inviting the Europeans to offer new, dynamic ideas for digital inclusion, cooperative economy, interconnection and skills development. Continue reading
Α SAP Innovation Consultant points out seven trends being mainstream this year, having to do with how people think, work and collaborate, which are changing our world and the way we do business. Continue reading
In a latest article, Dr. Yoram Solomon underlines the relationship between creativity, an individual function, and innovation, an organisational function. In order to transform an original idea to a new and useful product or service, an organisation should make a successful application of its resources. In other words, the link between an idea and company output is implementation. Continue reading
The Cyprus University of Technology in the framework of IKTIMED project, organized last week a workshop in Limassol concerning Smart Specialization and how European regions can implement the nature and rationale of this policy determining priorities in terms of R&D & technological activities. Continue reading
A two-day conference, titled:“IN SEARCH OF INNOVATION ‘“ How can knowledge exchange practices within University City Regions stimulate regional development?’, will take place on 11th & 12th of October 2012, coordinated by the Decentralized Administration of Macedonia – Thrace (DAMT), within the framework of the INTERREG IVC project “INNOPOLIS’. Continue reading