Maybe it’ s the sudden flurry of flying car proposals or the hype over hyperloop, but it seems like tech companies are finally ready to build the cities of the future we’ ve been obsessing about in films for years.
Smart city technology, a combination of Internet of Things connectivity and massive technological integration at the metro level, has long been a Continue reading
An investment firm controlled by the Microsoft co-founder buys land for a city that will feature cutting-edge tech at its core. Bill Gates can see the future — in the Arizona desert. The investment firm, controlled by the Microsoft co-founder, has bought nearly 25,000 acres about 45 miles west of Phoenix to build a smart city, a community built from the ground up with the idea of integrating technology into its residents’ lives. The proposed community, known as Belmont, would serve as a “template” for development of Continue reading
On 7 November 2017, the European Commission awarded the 2017 European Capital of Innovation (iCapital) prize of €1,000,000 to Paris (France). The iCapital award, granted under the EU’s research and innovation programme Horizon 2020, recognises Paris for its inclusive innovation strategy. Tallinn (Estonia) and Tel Aviv (Israel) were selected as runners-up, and were both awarded €100,000. The prize money will be used to scale up and further expand the cities’ innovation efforts.
In this article, Meri Rosich describes how the development of a layer of intelligence creates a new society with different rules and challenges. “Smart society” is a concept we use to describe a future where people will use technology to solve problems and support better living for everyone. It is not the same for everyone as it depends on the particular needs of each country. For Germany is based on industrial automation, while in Japan it is focused Continue reading
SMURBS, which stands for SMart URBan Solutions for Air Quality, Disasters and Urban Growth, is a new research project funded through Horizon2020 of the European Commission. It is coordinated by the National Observatory of Athens and includes 19 partners from 12 countries. Continue reading
It has been a while since Henry Chesbrough coined the term Open Innovation and formulated it’ s definition: “combining internal and external ideas as well as internal and external paths to market to advance the development of new technologies.’ (Chesbrough, 2003). In the course of time, the terminology surrounding Open Innovation has evolved alongside developments in management literature and practises. Open Innovation as a paradigm on itself is on its quest to touch base. Rather than taking a (technical) process-oriented approach, Open Innovation is now also about Open Business Models Continue reading