Urenio Watch Watch: Business Models

State of the Cloud report 2016 by RightScale

rightshare0This report illustrates the findings of a large scale survey conducted by RightScale in 2016, regarding the adoption of cloud computing. In total, 1,060 technical professionals across a broad cross-section of organizations took part in the survey. The findings identified by this report are crucial in terms of presenting the state-of-the-art on cloud computing and its possible future evolution. Continue reading

The Potential Value of Open Data

MGI_Open_data_Full_report_Oct_2013-6Open data may generate significant economic value, according to a new McKinsey report. The report “Open data: Unlocking innovation and performance with liquid information” suggests that seven sectors alone could generate more than $3 trillion a year in additional value as a result of open data, which is already giving rise to hundreds of entrepreneurial businesses and helping established companies to segment markets, define new products and services, and improve the efficiency and effectiveness of operations. Continue reading

Encyclopedia of Digital Government

The Encyclopedia of Digital Government, edited by Ari-Veikko Anttiroiko (University of Tampere, Findland) and Matti Malkia (The Police College of Finland) offers a comprehensive coverage of issues, concepts, trends, and technologies of digital government (or electronic government).

The challenges and future prospects faced by governments at different institutional levels, Continue reading