The Economist has published a special report on innovation. The magazine spotlights on the open innovation – the notion of looking for bright ideas outside of an organisation. It provides a good, and critical overview featuring among others Professor Eric von Hippel, head of the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Group at Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Larry Page, co-founder of Google. Continue reading
Collaborative Innovation
Peer-to-Patent is an initiative by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) that opens the patent examination process to public participation for the first time. Peer-to-Patent is an online system that aims to improve the quality of issued patents by enabling the public to supply the USPTO with information relevant to assessing the claims of pending patent applications. Continue reading
The sixth edition of BusinessWeek’ s special supplement “Inside Innovation’ focuses on relationship between collaboration networks and innovation. According to the editor Bruce Nussbaum, “Innovation through collaboration is a management philosophy that leading-edge corporations increasingly embrace. But it takes a highly sophisticated skill to manage networks that span the globe, and only 5% get it right, according to Forrester Research.” Continue reading
Sharing the idea: the emergence of global innovation networks is an Economist Intelligence Unit report that examines a new approach to managing global research and development programmes. Continue reading
Dion Hinchcliffe uses the term Product Development 2.0 to describe a concept that embodies the use of Web 2.0 concepts such as harnessing collective intelligence, users as co-creators, and turning applications into platforms, into the product development process. Continue reading
CrowdSpirit, a Scottish-French venture, focuses on harnessing the power of crowds to allow inventors and adaptors to take their products to market. By involving end-users in every aspect of a product’s life-cycle, the company aims to start a revolution in manufacturing by creating electronic products driven and inspired by customers’ wishes & expectations. Continue reading
IBM Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Samuel J. Palmisano announced that IBM will invest $100 million over the next two years to pursue ten new businesses generated by InnovationJam, an unprecedented experiment in collaborative innovation held earlier this year. Continue reading