Urenio Watch Watch: Collaborative Innovation

Economic Viability of Innovation Models

networkThe working paper “Modeling a Paradigm Shift: From Producer Innovation to User and Open Collaborative Innovation’ published in the HBS Working Knowledge magazine provides an analysis of the economic viability of innovation by producers relative to two increasingly important alternative models: innovations by single user individuals or firms, and open collaborative innovation projects. Continue reading

Collaboration in the Cloud

Collaboration in the CloudThe book “Collaboration in the Cloud – How cross-boundary collaboration is transforming business’, from Microsoft and Sogeti, address the changes and opportunities that come with the new business world that is starting to show all around us, driven by autonomous, bottom up organizations where innovation and collaboration are part of their culture. The book covers the full benefits from Cloud Computing and anything available As A Service, from platform to complete business solution. Continue reading

New Innovation Models Spur Collaboration and Growth

Successful companies are partnering more aggressively than ever to satisfy the intensifying need for innovation, according to a recently published whitepaper, from Frost & Sullivan, entitled “From Concept to Commerce – New Innovation Models Spur Collaboration and Growth’. The paper ascertains that an openness and interdisciplinary spirit previously unseen, both within and among companies, is giving innovators the tools they need to capture the spoils obtainable through innovation leadership. Continue reading