PostScapes – Tracking the Internet of Things, an initiative focusing on the convergence of the physical world with the digital, has compiled Continue reading
Digital Cities / Cyber Cities
The e.Republic, Inc. local government program, Digital Communities, together with the Center for Digital Government and Government Technology, present this Best Practice Guide for Local Government. It includes examples of innovative information and communications technology (ICT) systems and programs drawn from award-winning counties and cities across the United States. Continue reading
The latest issue of Ericsson Business Review magazine, in a Theme entitled “Creative Cities”, examines some of the processes needed for a Networked Society to become more intelligent than a traditional one. Continue reading
PSFK, a trends & innovation company, states that the announcement of NYC’ s Digital City Roadmap has given risen to a broader question being asked by city officials and local citizens across the globe ‘“ what makes a city digital? Continue reading
The roadmap coordinates digital citywide initiatives that support the efficient exchange of information and services between the public and the City of New York government. It includes a series of applications: Continue reading
The European Broadband Portal (EBP) has been tasked with the organisation of the on-line consultation of the blogosphere on the basis of a very preliminary description of the models of investment. The consultation will take place between the 1st and the 31 of May and will involve a very wide range of different stakeholders Continue reading
The ‘˜Birmingham: Stories from a digital city’˜ publication is a collection of interviews, stories and features capturing the role digital media is playing in the city ‘“ across business, public services, education and in communities. The Birmingham, UK’ s second biggest city, is a leading digital city and recently has been recognised as one of the world’ s 21 top ‘˜intelligent communities’ for 2011. Continue reading