To help corporates reap the benefits of collaboration with startups, NESTA, UK in collaboration with Founders Intelligence and the Startup Europe Partnership have produced the guide ‘Winning together – A guide to successful corporate-startup collaboration’. Continue reading
Innovation ecosystems
Startup Europe has just launched a new website entirely dedicated to European tech startups with the mission of uniting their ecosystems. Startup Europe aims to strengthen the business environment for web and ICT entrepreneurs so that their ideas and business can start and grow in the EU. Continue reading
This Guide to a Social Innovation Lab, published by a team led by Dr. Frances Westley at the Waterloo Institute for Social Innovation and Resilience (WISIR), offered as a resource to peers, colleagues, practitioners, leaders from all sectors, and concerned citizens ‘“ all who have and/or will participate in change-making processes. Continue reading
The purpose of the Innovation that Matters report, published by 1776 in partnership with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, is to share best practices for developing civic startup ecosystems from local communities in order to provide a framework that city leaders can utilize to foster new innovations that improve the lives of local citizens. Continue reading
The Digital Agenda Scoreboard reports on the progress of the European Union on digital issues. It includes an in-depth analysis in fields relevant to EU digital policies. Continue reading
The geography of innovation is shifting and a new model for innovative growth is emerging. In contrast to suburban corridors of isolated corporate campuses, innovation districts combine research institutions, innovative firms and business incubators with the benefits of urban living. These districts have the unique potential to spur productive, sustainable, and inclusive economic development. Continue reading
Digital technologies and the Internet play an increasingly important role in how social innovation happens. NESTA calls this phenomenon digital social innovation (DSI) and created a network map of organisations that use digital technologies for social innovation. Continue reading