The Commission’s 2018 European Innovation Scoreboard, published on 22nd of June 2018, shows that the EU’s innovation performance continues to improve, but further efforts are needed to ensure Europe’s global competitiveness. Continue reading
Innovation Measurement
The 2017 Smart Cities Index, published by Stockholm-based smart parking service Easypark, ranks the top 100 smart cities around the world along 19 factors related to smart city technology such as public transport, clean energy, citizen participation, urban planning, smartphone penetration or living standard. The top smart city was Copenhagen, while the top five also included Singapore, Stockholm, Zurich and Boston.
European Commission and DG Research & Innovation Communications announced yesterday the launch of the Horizon 2020 Dashboard on the Participant Portal. This novel view on Horizon 2020 implementation data provides powerful analytical functions, with new opportunities for programme reporting, impact analysis, preparing feedback to policy making and decision making on future priorities. All data can be viewed and analysed in aggregated form but also detailed views on individual calls, topics, countries, organisation types etc. are possible, down to the level of individual projects and beneficiaries (including links to the individual project pages on CORDIS). Continue reading
DSCIM – 1st Doctoral Students Conference on Innovation Management, was held in October 4-6 2017 in Novi Sad, Serbia, bringing together students from different countries and from different perspectives, who do their doctoral research in this exciting field. This event connected these students with practitioners and industry, so that a synergy effect can be made to spark further collaborations.
The Regional Innovation Scoreboard (RIS) is a regional extension of the European Innovation Scoreboard, assessing the innovation performance of European regions on a limited number of indicators. The RIS 2017 covers 220 regions across 22 EU countries, Norway, Serbia, and Switzerland. In addition, Cyprus, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, and Malta are included at country level.
Switzerland, Sweden, the Netherlands, the USA and the UK are the world’ s most- innovative countries, while a group of nations including India, Kenya, and Viet Nam are outperforming their development- level peers, according to the Global Innovation Index 2017 coauthored by Cornell University, INSEAD and the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). The Global Innovation Index provides detailed metrics about the innovation performance of 127 countries and economies around the world. Its 81 indicators explore a broad vision of innovation, including political environment, education, infrastructure and business sophistication. Continue reading