The World Bank’s Open Data initiative is intended to provide all users with access to World Bank data. It includes more than 2,000 indicators from countries around the world, including hundreds that go back 50 years. Continue reading
Watch: Innovation Measurement
Japanese companies rise to the top of IEEE Spectrum’s Patent Power 2010 rankings. Based on data from 2009, out of the 323 leading organizations in the scorecards, 65 (20 percent) are Japanese. This percentage is markedly higher than in the 2007 scorecards, in which 45 out of 319 companies (14 percent) were Japanese. Continue reading
Just published, the European Innovation Scoreboard 2009 includes innovation indicators and trend analysis for the EU27 Member States as well as for Croatia, Serbia, Turkey, Iceland, Norway and Switzerland. 29 indicators are used to benchmark Continue reading
The 2009 edition of the European Regional Innovation Scoreboard (RIS) provides a comparative assessment of innovation performance across the NUTS 2 regions of the European Union and Norway. The report was prepared by Hugo Hollanders (MERIT), Stefano Tarantola (JRC), and Alexander Loschky (JRC). Continue reading
In June of 2009, the Deloitte Center for the Edge unveiled the first version of its groundbreaking Shift Index. Now, the Center has released an industry-specific version of its Shift Index, which applies these performance-challenge data to nine key sectors. Continue reading
A new study by the Center for an Urban Future finds that New York City’s leading universities and scientific research centers have not become catalysts for entrepreneurship and local economic development the way similar institutions have in other regions. Continue reading
To provide a clear, comprehensive, and sustained view of the deep dynamics changing our world, Deloitte LLP’ s Center for the Edge has developed a Shift Index consisting of three indices and 25 metrics designed to make longer-term performance trends more relevant and actionable. Continue reading