This week, nearly 500 urban resilience leaders from cities around the world, including 80 Chief Resilience Officers, are gathering in New York City to share ideas and innovations from their cities, collaborate on new solutions, explore New York as a living laboratory for urban resilience, and to together chart the course of the movement. Here is the programme and links to video lectures (from 100ResilientCities) Continue reading
The Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) consist an important integrating part of the European Common Transport Policy (CTP) and Europe 2020 Strategy. As the 2011 White Paper on Transport (EC, 2011a) claims, ITS can significantly contribute to a cleaner, safer and more efficient transport system, being a key element for increasing the efficiency of transport and of infrastructure use with information systems. Continue reading
Greg Satell in his upcoming book, Mapping Innovation: A Playbook for Navigating a Disruptive Age, introduces an Innovation Matrix to help leaders identify the right type of strategy to solve a problem, by asking two questions: How well can we define the problem? and How well can we define the skill domain(s) needed to solve it? Continue reading
Last week, the Urban Land Institute (ULI) announced a partnership with 100 Resilient Cities (100RC), pioneered by the Rockefeller Foundation, becoming part of its Platform of Partners. In this capacity, ULI will offer expertise on Continue reading
SmartUp the City 2017 Innovation Award for Smart City and Smart Building Startups contest is the first for new technologies, services and business models in real estate and real estate management. Continue reading
In this 2017 trends briefing from the Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership (CISL) highlights the key developments that business leaders need to anticipate and respond to.
The sustainability trends briefing explores:
- the implications of the Paris Agreement on governments and industry
- the need to rewire the global economy to ensure the future of our planet and species
- the increase of cities and states taking the lead in sustainable developments
Paper: An empirical investigation of social innovation initiatives for sustainable urban development
This paper written by Angelidou and Psaltoglou (2017) is focused on the role of citizens in social innovation initiatives regarding sustainable urban development, and more specifically environmental sustainability. Through the investigation of 29 cases of social innovation initiatives for sustainability across 9 domains, this research identifies four primary citizen profiles in social innovation for sustainable urban development. Continue reading