Urenio Watch Watch: Innovation

Special Issue: City Innovation

The journal California Management Review published the Special Issue “City Innovation”. The argument behind this issue is that the growing trend of urbanization has made cities the epicenter of innovation and entrepreneurship in our modern economy.

As global hubs of commerce, labor, and collaboration, our cities are more important than ever. Therefore, this issue focuses on innovative communities around the world, examining the factors that contribute to their success, and revealing the ways in which emerging “smart” technologies will shape the cities of the future.

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How 5G Can Help Municipalities Become Vibrant Smart Cities

The next generation of wireless network infrastructure will be built using small-cell networks employing 5G wireless technology. This report presents how the connectivity and computing capacity unleashed by these high-speed wireless networks can have significant economic and community benefits, through reductions in energy usage, traffic congestion and fuel costs, or by creating jobs as well as entire new industries across the United States.

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OECD Science, Technology and Innovation Outlook 2016

oecdddThis report, published by OECD, aims to inform policy makers and analysts on recent and future changes in global science, technology and innovation (STI) patterns and their potential implications on and for national and international STI policies. Based on the most recent data available, the report provides comparative analysis of new policies and instruments being used in OECD countries and a number of major emerging economies to boost the contribution of science and innovation to growth and to global and social challenges. Continue reading