Urenio Watch Watch: Innovative Cities & Regions

SUSTAINIA100: A Guide to 100 Innovative Solutions

3rd_sustainia100_2014SUSTAINIA100 is an annual guide to 100 innovative sustainability solutions from around the world. The guide identifies readily available projects, initiatives and technologies at the forefront of sustainable innovation. SUSTAINIA100 gives investors, business leaders, policy makers and consumers insights into promising solutions within their respective fields. These vetted projects and technologies span from Western innovation hubs to emerging economies. Continue reading

21 Ideas to Improve City Life in Europe

MayorsChallenge_FinalistsThe 2013’“2014 Mayors Challenge is an ideas competition for European cities’”a chance to win funding for a bold new solution to a major urban challenge. It exists to bring powerful new ideas to life’”not only to help your own city, but to encourage others to adopt creative approaches as well. Applications have been submitted and 21 cities presented their ideas in the Ideas Camp. Continue reading

Mapping the European ICT Poles of Excellence: The Atlas of ICT Activity in Europe

eipeEuropean ICT Poles of Excellence (EIPE) are geographical agglomerations of best performing Information and Communication Technologies production, R&D and innovation activities, located in the European Union, that exert a central role in global international networks. The EIPE Atlas presents the results of the empirical mapping of ICT activity in Europe and the ranking of the top European NUTS 3 regions based on their performance in EIPE Composite Indicator (EIPE CI), together with the ranks for the individual 42 indicators which contributed to the building of the EIPE composite indicators. Continue reading